2024-02-03 02:54:17
Marshals are volunteers that help actions stay safe & orderly [Link] Event organizers train marshals in de-escalation tactics to prevent violence [Link] Brown Shirts were ex-soldiers recruited by Nazis to use violence against political enemies [Link] The two have opposite purpose & training NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(41-0-16) Author
2024-02-03 05:34:24
NNN The poster is expressing an opinion about the private security in the context of the wider goal of these protesters and their support for Hamas. The comments are the appropriate place for responses. [Link] NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(8-0-22) Author
2024-02-03 14:46:52
Note is in fact needed — the original poster made falsifiable claims, yet cited no sources to verify that protest marshals at this event acted like "Brown Shirts", or that they are part of any "private security force" on behalf of the "organizations" he was referring to. [Link] NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(5-0-3) Author