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2024-02-06 21:16:02
The offense related to "blackface" relates to minstrel shows that were performed in English-speaking countries, mostly in the USA: [Link] Portugal never had these shows or anything similar, therefore the Portuguese see no guilt in painting their face black for festivities.
2024-02-07 04:50:58
While I cannot assert anything about the common conscience of the Portuguese when it comes to guilt and blackface, Portugal did have minstrel shows. Source depicts an artist popularised by his role of a "stereotypical mozambican", 1950s-1980s [Link] [Link]
2024-02-07 13:33:18
This parade was done by an elementary school in Portugal, the intention was to show different cultures and perspectives(they also show representation of Portuguese culture) . The term blackface isn't well-known in Portugal. [Link]
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