2024-02-05 18:05:37
If this was hit by an Israeli Navy shell or a IAF bomb there wouldn't be anything left on that truck. Truck would be warped completely too. 99.99% chance it wasn't hit by the Israeli Navy or IAF. [Link] NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(6-0-7) Author
2024-02-05 18:36:25
Misleading: Two published photos of the truck clearly show that the truck itself is absolutely intact, and only the canvas covering the aid boxes has been torn. [Link] This indicates that the truck wasn't shot at from a distance, which rules out Israel's navy as an attacker. NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(16-4-12) Author
2024-02-05 19:01:15
NNN - Israel is more than capable of using low yield weapons, and speculation should be kept to replies, not notes. NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(2-1-3) Author