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2024-02-07 15:54:42
Inaccurate and misleading. [Side bar: Account is not a Jewish individual] It was the British Mandate of Palestine. Jews always remained a presence in the land since the beginning. Land was legally purchased.[Link] [Link] [Link] [Link]
2024-02-07 16:32:40
Palestine has always been Palestinians and always be. Israel is a zionist state and no country has never wanted them. NOW they try to rule the world with very dirty ways. And if they can't they become victims. Real Jews aren't zionists.
2024-02-07 20:36:22
NNN, First, only 7% of the land was legally bought. [Link] Second, just because british ruled the region doesn’t mean Palestinian doesn’t exist. Third, Canaanites existed way before Tribes of Israel. Note is not needed. Your info belongs to the comment section.
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