2024-02-12 19:26:42
Silica gel can cause suffocation [Link] NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(16-1-23) Author
2024-02-12 19:59:19
NNN clearly a joke. NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(9-0-3) Author
2024-02-12 20:33:28
NNN. This is a joke about a real medical case in which a man ate silica gel packets for breakfast with the intent of "escaping the matrix". [Link] NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(8-0-1) Author
2024-02-12 21:39:04
Even though this is clearly a joke, I think its important to clarify this: Do NOT eat silica gel packets. They are really harmful. [Link] NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(44-5-25) Author
2024-02-12 22:45:17
NNN, this is a joke AND silica gel is only harmful when choked on (like nearly every edible item) or eaten in very large quantities, per the sources posted above. NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(4-0-1) Author
2024-02-13 09:29:11
NNN, its called natural selection NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(0-0-1) Author
2024-02-13 12:05:20
NNN clearly a joke NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(0-0-0) Author