2024-02-13 20:00:57
The Soviet Union knew about the fire-bombing of Dresden in advance and would have "benefitted" most from it's effects given that Dresden played a role as a rail hub servicing the east. [Link][Link] NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(22-0-8) Author
2024-02-13 20:11:43
The bombing of Dresden is considered by some as a violation of international law, even though positive rules of international humanitarian law were absent at the time [Link][Link] Russia's carpet bombing of Mariupol in 2022 is considered by experts as a violation of IHL & a war crime [Link]/report" target="_blank">[Link] [Link] NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(23-3-12) Author
2024-02-13 23:30:16
mate, they were nazis. get over it. they still are! [Link] and look at the nazi part of this [Link] almost like they were demons. CURRENTLY_RATED_NOT_HELPFUL(1-0-13) Author
2024-02-14 14:57:15
The only source for a Russian request in the Wikipedia article is a US military document which states: "It was the specific Russian request for bombing communications [centers] …". Not the whole city. [Link] page 12/pdf13 number 18. from [Link] CURRENTLY_RATED_NOT_HELPFUL(3-0-3) Author