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2024-02-14 02:47:01
There's no change in Agam Goldstein's testimony: In left video she's talking about HER experience while kidnapped. In the right video she's telling about other kidnapped women she met while in Gaza. She's consistently talking about rape & abuse of other hostages since rescued. [Link]
2024-02-14 08:41:39
NNN - wether you see it as a change or a lie or not is a personal opinion, you can use the comments not CN. Also saying she was talking about herself or others is speculation
2024-02-14 08:48:35
The first video convienently cuts out the largest part of the interview: 1. They describe how the husband/father and sister/daughter were killed by Hamas. 2. Description of physical and psychological terror 3. Encounters of hostages in tunnels with clear signs of torture. [Link]
2024-02-14 09:01:56
She didn’t change her testimony. In the first interview she also testified about meeting girls that told her they were violated and abused. [Link]
2024-02-14 14:39:04
NNN you’re doing speculation just as the original poster made. Keep it to the comments section. How can she say in the first one “woman is queen for them” defending her kidnappers and then on the right hand sided on she describes in porngraphic detail how she witnessed a rape?!
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