2024-02-16 23:45:16
NNN - sampling is how science works. OP's claim is valid based on the data. NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(15-0-3) Author
2024-02-16 23:50:10
NNN while being a small sample, there is nothing that suggest said sample is not random enough to still be applicable to a wider trend on the website. NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(11-1-2) Author
2024-02-17 08:46:10
NNN: The report is based on basic sampling techniques in research. [Link] NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(7-0-2) Author
2024-02-17 10:02:01
The article quotes the CEO of CHEQ, an Israeli military cyber security veteran. X signed an agreement with CHEQ last year for CHEQ to help counter the bot problem which, if the new stats are true, suggests their ability to counter bots may be exaggerated. [Link][Link] CURRENTLY_RATED_NOT_HELPFUL(1-0-11) Author