2024-02-18 03:41:23
The film was produced by attempted deception towards those interviewed, which is not the basis for a balanced and ethical evaluation of the subject. [Link] Directly, the rate of detransitioning is incredibly low despite claims made by the video. [Link] NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(88-6-312) Author
2024-02-18 04:01:06
NNN. It is an opnion that it is worth watching. Also the actual rate according to the studies used in the link from APNews in Adaptable Beech Magpie's note aren't 100% accurate. The actual detransition rate is unknown and is explained very well why in this link. [Link] NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(67-7-32) Author
2024-02-18 04:02:31
Note is not needed. Elon Musk expressed an opinion, which is allowed. Please refrain from using CN to harass people simple because you don't agree with their opinions. NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(99-1-22) Author
2024-02-18 05:32:16
Note is need not to dispute what Elon has said, but to add context to the media presented. Proposed note is not argumentative, and only serves to provide context to heavily biased media. Please stop using CN to ignore scientific facts under the guise of "opinions". NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(23-5-44) Author
2024-02-18 05:55:24
NNN Please stop making assertions about "scientific facts". It's not scientific facts, but opinions. The medical transitioning of children has not been tested through double-blind controlled studies. NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(59-3-31) Author
2024-02-18 08:14:59
"Worth watching, especially for parents" Is simply a statement of opinion. NNN. All the suggested notes so far, belong in comments not CN's. NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(80-2-23) Author
2024-02-18 08:54:35
NNN People are using NNN to convince people NOT to support a valid note. This is an a abuse of the community note system as much as rogue notes. [Link] NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(41-1-96) Author
2024-02-18 09:12:54
Mr Musk is airing a personal opinion. Discussing the merits of the documentary (or lack thereof) is a matter for the comments section. NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(84-3-23) Author
2024-02-18 10:49:47
NNN. Freedom of speech is still alive and well in America thanks to platforms like X and programs like Community Notes. Please add your different opinions in the comment section and debate the topic. Stop harassing others with CN because you do not agree with their opinion. [Link] NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(75-2-25) Author
2024-02-18 16:32:27
The irony is that many of the Community Notes provide proof of the video’s message that there is a War on Children. Other notes correctly state the many CNs should be posted as a comment rather than a CN. NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(41-1-22) Author
2024-02-20 16:52:53
'This film is worth watching' doesn't mean everyone must agree with what is in the film. If a viewer decides the film is biased/inaccurate it should be because they have watched it rather than because a Community Notes has told them what to think about the film. Therefore, NNN. NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(8-0-4) Author
2024-02-24 14:19:24
As already stated, this post is an opinion, any disagreement should be expressed in the comments. NNN. NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(2-0-4) Author