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2024-02-18 19:41:09
Child marriage is a cultural practice, not religious. Islam gives women the right to decline proposal and her family are prohibited to force marriage Despite no minimum age. Islam does require on both men & women to be mature both physically and mentally to be allowed to marry. [Link]
2024-02-18 23:46:35
NNN. Many Muslim clerics support child marriages “from puberty.” “the Council of Islamic Ideology ruled that laws related to the minimum age of marriage were against the teachings of the Quran and that children of any age could get married if they had reached puberty.” [Link]
2024-02-19 08:08:00
The line between culture and religion is fairly arbitrary in Islamic cultures, since they are massively shaped by their religion. Additionally, the very source the proposed CN is mentioning confirms that early puberty is considered an acceptable age for child marriage in Islam.
2024-02-19 09:47:33
Community notes thaT state puberty as condition of marriage in islam is misleading, it is condition of consuming, but groom can satisfy their thirst with molesting,even with bride as young as 6months old.[Link]
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