2024-02-22 17:00:54
The post implies that Pickton may be paroled. He is eligible to *apply* for day parole, & will have to go through a review. [Link] For example, Paul Bernardo was also eligible, & was repeatedly denied. [Link] The Supreme Court of Canada says life without parole is cruel and illegal: [Link] NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(7-0-16) Author
2024-02-22 17:40:51
NNN- note expressing that OP is implying he may be paroled is not needed. Of course being able to apply for parole means he may be granted it, though it is exceedingly unlikely. The point is that he should not be able to apply for parole. NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(6-0-5) Author
2024-02-22 18:00:20
NNN - the proposed CN expresses an opinion on interpretation. The statement that he is eligible for parole is accurate and Pickton will be able to apply for a hearing where a board will decide if he will or will not be released NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(6-0-4) Author
2024-02-23 00:13:52
No need to for community notes [Link] NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(0-0-2) Author