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2024-02-25 20:46:15
All this is a stunt by the Pak estab. Bcz for the past one year, the Army has used the Punjab Police to brutally oppress the workers of Political party violated the constitution & law, and now the purpose of doing such stunts is to improve the reputation of the Punjab Police. [Link]
2024-02-25 21:17:03
NNN. The police officer can clearly be seen to be arguing with the mob and saving an innocent woman who was falsely accused of blasphemy. In Pakistan alleged blasphemy can be life threatening. [Link] [Link]
2024-02-26 09:59:55
The incidence had been staged to prove Pakistanis ignorant and the overshadow the police brutality.It had taken place at a busy area of a densely populated city of Pakistan where majority of the people are educated and understand arabic context;if not, can google it quite easily. [Link] [Link]
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