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2024-02-26 07:01:19
This rally was in support of former Brazilian president Bolsonaro, not in support of the state of Israel. The single (one) Israeli flag to be seen in this picture represents a proportion of these followers who also prefer Bolsonaro’s policies on Israel. [Link]
2024-02-26 08:13:18
Ato de Bolsonaro na Paulista reúne 185 mil pessoas, calcula grupo de pesquisa da USP Fotos aéreas feitas durante o evento revelam que pico da manifestação foi às 15h, próximo à chegada do ex-presidente [Link]
2024-02-26 10:44:15
Dizer que o povo foi as ruas para defender Israel, mostrando imagens da manifestação político partidária organizada para o ex-presidente (agora inelegível) e contou com menos de 200 mil pessoas, é um erro factual e uma deturpação de fatos. [Link]
2024-02-26 11:20:36
A manifestação de ontem mostrou que o povo de bem do Brasil apoia Israel. Foram vistas várias bandeiras de Israel e as falas de Michelle, Tarcisio e Bolsonaro foram tbm direcionadas a um apoio à Israel e contra o terrorismo do Hamas. [Link]
2024-02-26 11:34:15
NNN don't write notes in Portuguese when the post is of another language Doesn't need notes, there was a protest and there were people in support of Israel, it's factually correct Please read community note rules [Link]
2024-02-26 11:44:00
Tem muitos utilizando a comunidade para expor seu pensamento e fugindo da proposta das notas. Esses desocupados poderiam checar a bolha deles, antes de escovar os dentes.
2024-02-26 11:47:28
Guys, learn to use the Community. This is not the place to spread your ideology. The community note is to refute untrue information and not to refute an author's opinion! Learn to use it, to defend your ideology there is X.
2024-02-26 12:25:15
Don't write notes in Portuguese in a foreign post. It's alarming the fact that the Brazilian left is concerned only with the defense of its favorite autocrat. This post represents the truth the streets where full and the Brazilian right unlike the left isn't antisemitic. [Link]
2024-02-26 15:37:07
ההפגנה שהתרחשה לא הייתה מיועדת להצהרותו של הגבר לואיז אינאסיו לולה דה סילבה בנושא הקונפליקט הצבאי בין צה"ל לחמאס, אלא להביע תמיכה באדון יאיר משיח בולסונרו מול ההאשמות הפליליות שהוא נתקל בהן. [Link]
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