2024-02-27 04:48:33
Trans women are women [Link] CURRENTLY_RATED_NOT_HELPFUL(2-1-52) Author
2024-02-27 04:55:16
TWAW is a thought terminating cliche that seeks to erase the difference between adjectives that modify nouns, tall woman & Black woman for example, and compound words which change the meaning of the noun. Seahorses are not horses, hot dogs are not dogs, transwomen are not women. NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(32-4-23) Author
2024-02-27 08:09:08
NNN. Come on guys, this is clearly an opinion and Community Notes are for correcting factual errors to help aid understanding. They're not another battleground in the culture wars. NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(33-3-16) Author
2024-02-27 14:01:54
Biological sex & gender identity are different words because they have different meanings. Saying a definitive statement such as "this is not a woman" as fact, when the person in question identifies as a woman, is blatantly transphobic. [Link][Link] NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(16-0-87) Author
2024-02-27 14:37:29
The terms 'man' and 'woman' refer to biological sex and have done so forever. The same terms can't be used for gender identity, which is indeed a whole different thing. If Sky news was referring to gender identity they should have used the correct term 'trans woman'. NNN NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(22-3-13) Author
2024-02-28 10:03:21
Man & woman are common nouns which describe sex, species & age. Neither sex nor species are mutable. The perpetrator of this crime is an adult human male legally as well as biologically. [Link][Link] NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(11-0-5) Author
2024-02-28 11:32:25
NNN. A woman is an adult human female. This person is not. So this person is not a woman. JK is correct [Link] NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(12-0-5) Author