2024-02-28 11:52:48
To this day, there has been no concrete evidence to support a Biden criminal conspiracy. In fact, one of the lead witnesses was arrested for lying about this very issue. [Link][Link][Link] NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(111-1-10) Author
2024-02-28 14:38:59
Tyler Boebert, the 18 year old son of Lauren Boebert was arrested just hours after her post. He was charged with 4 counts of criminal possession of a financial device, 4 counts of criminal possession of ID documents, & 1 count of conspiracy to commit a felony. [Link][Link][Link] NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(87-3-15) Author
2024-02-28 15:19:27
NNN. This is an opinion expressed by the poster. Argue in the comments, and share any information you feel necessary, but not here. NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(5-1-57) Author
2024-02-28 16:26:25
The congress woman from the moment she won her seat has always misrepresented facts, told lies then lied about telling lies. Here she claims the Biden's would be arrested with no proof even while her family is under investigation and her son gets arrested [Link] NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(54-8-16) Author
2024-02-29 13:02:20
Congresswoman Boebert has presented no evidence to back up this claim and none has been proven by the various enquiries to date. However, her own family has been embroiled in controversy and arrest records including recent arrest of her son. Deflection seems to be an apt word. [Link] NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(18-2-2) Author