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2024-02-29 18:38:11
This is a blatant lie. Palestinians were shot dead by the IDF as reported on Reuters, Haartez. An IDF source said that the soldiers felt threatened by the crowds and fired at the civilians. [Link] [Link]
2024-02-29 19:04:09
NNN - this is a contested event were different sources tell different stories. Please refrain from using Community Notes to "correct" the claim and instead add a note about the contention of the topic -- or alternatively add one note that sheds light on both contentions.
2024-02-29 20:45:04
The Israeli military claims that a stampede occurred & that the people were run over by aid trucks. However, video evidence shows that gunfire occurred at the scene. Many witnesses claim that the Israeli military shot towards the crowd, and killed at least 104 people. Source: [Link]
2024-02-29 22:22:04
None of the links provided by the CNs support their claim. No video can be found in the link of the first note. All News sites linked are careful to make claims and rely on quotes. PLEASE READ THE LINKS IN THE CNs. Don’t trust my word nor theirs.
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