2024-03-03 00:18:16
NNN - Poilievre was Minister of Employment and Social Development in 2015, which encompassed the housing portfolio at the time. He has also, on several occasions, referred to himself as a former housing minister. [Link] NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(6-0-9) Author
2024-03-03 00:29:46
As per StatsCan data, ~674,000 apartment units were created under the Harper government. ~92,000 in the year Poilievre managed the housing file. [Link] NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(32-2-6) Author
2024-03-03 09:19:03
NNN - the post was referring to non-market housing which the government provides funding for. Apartment and other unit styles in the StatsCan figures includes condos, which helped make up for a significant decrease in housing starts for single family dwellings. NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(5-1-4) Author