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2024-03-05 06:56:41
The incident involving Sherbano, a relative of the Army Chief and former Caretaker Chief Minister of Punjab, was staged to restore Punjab Police’s honor. She falsely arrested political workers without evidence. [Link]
2024-03-05 07:13:35
This lady officer in the video above, who claimed to be the hero of that incident made that innocent lady apologize for wearing that dress. The mob wasn't forced into any investigation. This ia purely unjust to that innocent victim [Link]
2024-03-05 08:56:35
The woman was made to apologise to the clerics whilst under police custody. [Link] The police officer is part of a rogue police force and brutal regime that has spread terror in Punjabi citizens over the past 2 years. [Link] - Senior officers ordering shoot to kill
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