2024-03-06 00:38:47
Hbomb made a well-researched video called "Plagiarism and You(tube)" that calls out many youtubers, not just James Somerton, for plagiarism and dishonesty in their work. [Link] James is a major portion of the video but Hbomb literally tells his audience not to harass him (2:03:43) NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(86-3-5) Author
2024-03-06 05:01:10
Hbomberguy is unlikely to be a millionaire. His patreon currently has 19,715 paid members which earns him anywhere between $16K to $189K a month. [Link] NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(8-3-4) Author
2024-03-06 12:30:45
HBomb released a youtube video in December of 2023 where he detailed plagarism on Youtube, with James Somerton being the focus of the end. [Link] At 2:03:43 in the video, he specifically tells followers to not harass James. He also donated all money from this video at 3:24:46. NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(50-1-5) Author