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2024-03-09 11:09:56
This post/thread, misrepresent the Biblical use of “Jew” as being coined in the 18th Century. Jews in 13th Century England were referred to as Judeans or Jeus (I/J) in legal documents, suggesting Jeu/Jew was in common parlance, which connects those Jews’ origin as Judea. [Link]
2024-03-10 12:04:53
The word Jew is derived from Judean (Hebrew yehudi). It refers to the descendants of the tribe of Judah who inhabited the kingdom of Judah. Jesus was born and lived his life in the kingdom of Judah. Christians say he claims ancestry from king David, the first Judaean king. [Link]
2024-03-10 12:54:37
"There was a Jewish man who lived in the city of Shushan...". Esther 2:5, part of the Old Testament and written approx. 500 BCE. The post is clearly factually incorrect. [Link]
2024-03-10 15:44:49
Este post es altamente engañoso. Existen evidencias tempranas del primer y segundo siglo, por ej.: Juan 18:33-37 - Juan 19:19-25 [Link]
2024-03-11 07:38:28
The English word "Jew" is derived from the ancient Latin "Judaeus", which is derived from the Hebrew "יהודי", meaning from the Kingdom of Judah. This word is already used in the Bible when referring to Israelites. [Link] The Talmud is followed by all Jews, not just Europeans. [Link]
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