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2024-03-11 03:46:29
As per BBC, Hamoud Al Soaimi who was 15 at the time, actually got a Two year prison sentence + 180 hours unpaid work: [Link] - The other two seem factually correct: SHAUN TUCK - 15 weeks in prison + 6 years banned from matches [Link] SAM MELIA - Two year sentence [Link]
2024-03-11 06:50:10
NNN - If Adaptable Twig Flameback had read the article they would know that in the very end it says his 2 year jail sentence was suspended.
2024-03-11 07:01:51
NNN. While it is true Soaimi did get a two year prison sentence it was suspended for two years meaning no prison time was served. "Hamoud Al Soaimi, 21, [...], jailed for two years suspended for two years with 180 hours unpaid work" [Link]
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