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2024-03-19 18:44:18
The narrative in this post is misleading, as per Police Scotland who have released a statement to correct this narrative and add additional context. [Link] See also full copy of the referenced legislation. [Link] Analysis and reaction to this legislation can also be found here [Link]
2024-03-19 21:10:19
NNN- OP is perhaps an extreme interpretation, however, Scotland’s hate crime law will open the door to the scenarios described in OP. bbc reports “Police Scotland is not instructing officers to target actors, comedians, or any other people or groups” it’s still a possibility. [Link]
2024-03-20 17:34:43
The training guidance being cited merely lists performances as an example of when threatening and abusive material can be communicated. Fact check: [Link] Police Scotland rebuttal: [Link] Further coverage: [Link]
2024-03-20 22:04:57
Very misleading @CommunityNotes being put under the post. I've read the legislation. The same type of extreme legislation is being proposed here in Ireland, in Canada, in France, and several other countries.
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