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2024-03-21 06:19:31
Mens rea is a general term denoting any criminal intent, NOT the specific intent required to commit genocide. The ICJ case presented by South Africa does not contain the word "mens rea" and contains the term "dolus specialis" four times. [Link] [Link]
2024-03-21 10:52:27
Whilst mens rea is a separate term from Dolis Specialis, mens rea is the intention or knowledge of wrongdoing that constitutes part of a crime, whilst Dolis Specialis focuses on the special intent of the crime of genocide which would have to be proven over a court proceeding.
2024-03-21 11:07:24
Norman F. does not claim that mens rea is the intent to commit genocide. The note is misleading since it is posted as if it disagrees with him, while it doesn't. Making him sound wrong. It's completely unclear how the icj relates to the judges statements. Norman's statement: [Link]
2024-03-21 13:44:53
The current note is irrelevant; Finkelstein made no claim about mens rea having a special connotation wrt genocide. Rather, he implied it’s interchangeable w/ dolus specialis in cases of genocide. (See his referral to the Rwanda tribunal, where judges use MR in place of DS.)
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