2024-03-24 22:54:13
It is due to the European Union regulations that the account posting this tweet is so against. In this specific case, food regulations. [Link] NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(31-5-45) Author
2024-03-24 23:01:08
Community notes are not for you to answer questions. CNs demonetize and demote posts on X, stifling reach. Reply to the post with your answer like a normal human being. Stop abusing CN. NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(33-2-45) Author
2024-03-25 06:48:30
The European Union have stricter food regulations, leading to higher food standards. [Link][Link] NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(81-2-13) Author
2024-04-02 23:16:24
American food is not "poisonous" nor is it less safe than European food. All additives have to be tested and determined to be safe. [Link] Americans are sicker and have lower life expectancy for a number of reasons none of which include poisonous food. [Link] NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(5-2-5) Author