2024-03-25 11:30:58
This is a film set. It's very common for actors to chew gum in order to manage stress and have a fresh breath because of long hours without having a meal. The production assistant has a tissue in her hand and that is one of her job descriptions. [Link][Link] NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(38-3-9) Author
2024-03-25 18:44:56
NNN. This is an opinion, and can be debated in comments. Not the correct post for a CN. CURRENTLY_RATED_NOT_HELPFUL(4-0-8) Author
2024-03-25 22:49:38
According to the Set Assistant in the video - Jennifer spit her gum out into a tissue at the assistant’s request because filming was about to begin on the movie Second Act and Jennifer couldn’t leave her mark. This is a common practice between actors and on set assistants. [Link] CURRENTLY_RATED_HELPFUL(27-0-3) Author
2024-03-26 04:44:27
Production Assistant shown in video debunked the original poster’s claims and assumptions by posting a thorough recap of what the video shows. [Link] NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(2-0-0) Author