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2024-03-27 22:13:08
The 2020 BLM riots were the most destructive civil unrest in US history with over 2 billion in damages and at least 25 deaths. In some jurisdictions, policed joined marchers; in Seattle, police surrendered an entire precinct. [Link] [Link]
2024-03-27 22:28:21
NNN- OP is an opinion. In addition, proposed note is incorrect. The most destructive civil unrest in US history is likely to be the Civil War with an estimated 620,000 casualties. With the current FEMA value of life this is approx. 4.65 trillion in damages. [Link] [Link]
2024-03-27 23:31:29
NNN - op simply drew attention to the way police violently overreacted to peaceful protests during BLM, they did not claim all BLM protests were peaceful. [Link] [Link] [Link]
2024-03-27 23:33:27
NNN. OP never stated that all 2020 BLM protesters were peaceful; they stated that protesters who were being peaceful were still gassed beat up and arrested. Moreover, they are recounting this as their memory of the time from their perspective. It is an opinion
2024-03-28 12:43:57
Peaceful protesters were, in numerous cities, accompanied by riots, shootings, break-ins, and arson – which were the direct cause of 19 confirmed deaths. The heavy-handed response from law enforcement stems from this, not the fact that there were peaceful protesters. [Link] [Link]
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