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2024-03-30 04:51:50
This is an AI generated image, key give aways being the nonsensical text on the strap on her shirt and the right earring disappearing unnaturally. [Link] [Link]
2024-03-30 09:11:30
It is inappropriate to the Duel, which the post expresses the proposed note. Remember the victim of gender violence Shani however he sees fit. Expresses her opinion on how he wants to remember her. As if he wants to remember in polka dot or Viking wakiria outfit.It's your freedom
2024-03-30 14:02:32
[Link] Several photos of Shani as her family want her to be remembered. Generating her photo as she was driven through Gaza for further abuse is evidence of those who participated in October 7 massacre in whatever capacity they were there. May her memory always be for a blessing 🙏🏼
2024-03-30 19:18:01
NNN This is obviously a personal opinion. Whether or not this is AI is irrelevant.
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