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2024-03-29 21:07:56
حلقہ این اے 207 نوابشاہ سے امیدوار غلام مصطفیٰ رند کو پہلے مرحلے میں کاغذات نامزدگی کو مسترد کیا گیا لیکن کاغذات کے جمع ہونے پر پولیس نے بلا جواز گرفتار کر لیا [Link]
2024-03-29 21:48:48
Important Context, Being elected unopposed isn't a choice but a result of technicalities. Claiming gratitude lacks humility. Pledging nonpartisan service ignores political biases. Thanking only supporters neglects diverse views. Actions matter more than words. [Link]
2024-03-30 01:29:28
The elections were won unopposed through coercive measures by this feudal family backed by military. All candidates were forced to withdraw and one of main contender from PTI was abducted to force him to withdraw and give uncontested victory to 3rd member of same family [Link] [Link]
2024-03-30 17:32:11
It was widely reported across all media outlets that approximately a dozen candidates were forced to withdraw from the elections due to fascist coercion. Assefa's uncontested victory is not only laughable but also a blatant mockery of democracy. [Link]
2024-03-31 09:19:44
جیسا نانا ویسی نواسی۔ ذوالفقار بھٹو نے دو تہائی اکثریت کے لئے یہی تماشا 77 میں کیا تھا۔1971 میں اقلیت میں ہوتے ہوئے ملک توڑا۔ ذوالفقار کے باپ دیوان شاہنواز بھٹو نے جونا گڑھ پہ انڈیا کا قبضہ کروایا۔اور اب آصفہ زرداری اپنے کرپٹ باپ اور فوجی جرنیلوں کی مہربانی سے بلا مقابلہ منتخب [Link]
2024-04-01 14:06:06
NNN. The post is factually correct. CN is for correcting incorrect statements. Please add your opinions and what you feel is unfair in comments under a post.
2024-12-16 14:53:16
Addtional context: The original candidate for NA 207, Ghulam Mustafa Rind (belonging to PTI) was abducted before the elections, leading to Aseefa's being elected unopposed. In addition, Rind's appeal was denied by a court even the evidence that Rind was abducted. [Link] [Link] [Link]
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