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2024-04-05 07:23:42
This photo is a screenshot from an Al-Jazeera project led by Najwan Simri in the village of Ijzim, about 30 minutes south of Haifa in Israel. The house shown is not the house of the Palestinian couple. They either sold or abandoned it to be destroyed 75 years ago Source: [Link]
2024-04-05 08:02:31
The note is misleading. The land belonged to the Palestinian family as per the previous source. Rebuilding doesn't alter ownership. However, if you do it without a permit, Israel may claim the land, often reallocating it to Jewish citizens, as the tweet aims to denounce.
2024-04-05 08:07:39
NNN. "The photo was taken in Israel", so stolen Palestinian land? The article states Palestinian people were displaced in the '48 Nakba and Zionists demolished their houses to build their own. Your note is not doing what you think. Keep your Zionist propaganda to yourself. [Link]
2024-04-06 15:03:25
Al Jazeera reporter Najwan Simri asked the current residents of the home, "How do you feel living in a house built on the wreckage of his house?" The Israeli woman reponds: Frankly, I don’t feel anything. I am very happy. Living here is very enjoyable. [Link]
2024-04-07 16:04:14
Snopes has fact-checked this tweet as "partially true." The picture comes from an Al Jazeera report about the current occupants living in a home "built on the wreckage of [the elderly couple's] house." However, the reporter doesn't state the younger couple is from Brooklyn. [Link]
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