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2024-04-08 18:12:32
Forgetting about whether this is even legal, debts are not "cancelled" but transferred to others. In this case, the "cancelling" of student debts simply means that the Federal government (the lender) will no longer receive expected payments, causing the fiscal deficit to rise. [Link]
2024-04-08 19:14:39
The Biden plan has no projected benefit to the economy. The plan has no projected cost. The plan does not address the cost of education; rather it charges the taxpayer for coursework the borrowers elected to take. [Link]
2024-04-08 20:23:38
The notes proposed so far dispute points not raised in the post or video ("projected benefit to the economy") or semantics ("cancelled" vs "transferred"). Such notes would give the appearance of a political opinion or quick dunk, outside the scope of Community Notes. [Link]
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