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2024-04-11 03:53:40
Hybe does not do business with or in isreal, and has no connection to any entities in isreal. [Link]
2024-04-11 03:54:47
Hybe is not complicit because 1. they're not funding Israel 2. Scooter is a CEO of Hybe America and not HYBE in SKR 3. HYBE KR already issued a statement regarding Braun, “It is a personal statement that is separate from company management.” [Link] [Link] [Link]
2024-04-11 04:52:59
NNN. Hybe allowed their artist's movie to be screened in Israel, which goes against the BDS' cultural boycott
2024-04-11 07:05:32
Note needed. The movie screening is a deal with a distribution company made before all this, not with Israel, just like Taylor Swift & Beyoncé had for their movies. Please educate yourselves. And actually start supporting Palestine instead of doing this weird sht. [Link]
2024-04-11 10:20:49
Samsung are not cutting ties with Isreal, as the article says, “Although our physical presence in Israel will cease, we remain committed to investing in the region and encouraging referrals from builders and founders,” [Link]
2024-04-11 13:31:31
Hybe currently employs Scooter Braun who, besides being CEO of Hybe America, is also a board member of Hybe Co., Ltd. Scooter has also shown support to the IOF multiple times and has spread Israeli propaganda on social media. So, yes. Your money is going to his pockets. [Link]
2024-04-11 20:54:59
Samsung Next - innovation arm of Samsung - shut down physical operations in Israel, but Samsung HQ has not cut ties with Israel as OP suggests; its subsidiaries still operate in Israel. BDS saw the closure as a strong signal of its impact, and declining Israeli economy. [Link] [Link] [Link]
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