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2024-04-11 00:01:23
It is not a baby until it is born, so it is incorrect yo call it "unborn baby"; the correct term is Fetus, which is the stage between embryo and birth. [Link] [Link]
2024-04-11 00:38:13
NNN Snobbism regarding the use of the word fetus in place of unborn baby, belongs in the replies.
2024-04-11 04:41:01
NNN. Claiming that an unborn human being cannot be referred to as "baby" is an opinion. Colloquially and technically, the term "baby" is valid use when referring to an unborn human being. Any small thing can be referred to as "baby". [Link] [Link]
2024-04-11 04:47:36
Pro-choice people disagree with point #1. As such, they would logically also disagree with the conclusion. This is known as the fallacy of begging the question. Matt has assumed the truth of what he wants to prove, thus the proof is circular and not logically valid. [Link]
2024-04-11 10:19:51
NNN. This is expressing an opinion on a highly debated topic that is worth debating. If you have a different opinion, put it in the comments.
2024-04-12 17:34:37
NNN The term unborn baby has been used for many years without controversy and those who try to insist that a foetus is something different from a baby that is still in the womb are usually to so to support a their ideological position. NHS in the UK refers to unborn babies. [Link]
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