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2024-04-19 07:05:07
The tweet uses high Indian undocumented emigration to cast doubts on India’s GDP growth. However, research shows a positive correlation between GDP per capita growth and emigration. For every doubling of GDP per capita, emigration rates rise by 38% in developing countries [Link] [Link]
2024-04-19 11:48:36
NNN. The original post only tries to question the quality and direction of India's GDP growth in the context of large *undocumented* migration to the US. Since it doesn't lead to any conclusions, note is not required.
2024-04-19 12:49:27
High-skilled emigration declines with economic development, population size. Low-skilled emigration rises with development. College-educated 18x more migratory than less educated in low-income countries. [Link]
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