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2024-04-21 13:41:04
Easy On Me's 2nd official day charting on Global Spotify accounts for the song's 2nd-25th hours of availabilily, due to being released an hour before Spotify's official tracking period. It is misleading to compare this to another song's 25th-48th hour streams. [Link] [Link] [Link] [Link] [Link]
2024-04-21 14:25:21
The first full-day count of Adele’s “Easy on me” was also its second day on the chart, consequently, it has the most streamed second day with over 24 million plays. Read: [Link] [Link]
2024-04-21 14:41:07
This Data is wrong: Easy on me did 13.27M on its second while Fortnight did 14.04M some might misinterpret her second day of tracking with 19M that she did but these 19M are attributed to her first day because the song was released 1hour before the official SP tracking period [Link] [Link]
2024-04-21 15:58:05
As seen on Spotify and the daily streak this was Easy On Me’s 2nd day. Spotify does not differentiate between full and partial days. Therefore the post is technically correct. [Link]
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