2024-04-23 15:28:03
NNN (for above note's reason at least): there are thousands more commercial flights than military-jet ones flown on any given day, and while there's an argument to be made for “setting an example”, the proposed note is tangential at best. NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(5-0-7) Author
2024-04-23 15:30:39
NNN - Military jets have very little to do with the post, note is politically charged instead of addressing or seeking to clarify the original post. NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(8-0-5) Author
2024-04-23 15:52:20
NNN: Community Notes are meant to address factual inaccuracies. Disagreement and rebuttal are for comments. NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(16-0-7) Author
2024-04-23 18:14:01
Biden has approved nearly 50% more oil and gas drilling permits than Trump did in his first three years. [Link] NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(9-0-18) Author
2024-04-24 11:12:55
“Willful denial” is a political term, not a scientific one. Uncertainties need to be addressed, not suppressed. [Link] NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(2-0-2) Author