2024-04-25 21:53:42
1) WHO guideline limit value for electromagnetic field is 5000 V/m 2) Despite extensive research, to date there is no evidence to conclude that exposure to low level electromagnetic fields is harmful to human health. Source: WHO - [Link] CURRENTLY_RATED_HELPFUL(53-1-11) Author
2024-04-25 22:06:29
NNN - he isn't making a claim about any potential injury, he's just saying don't use it plugged in. Take WHO links and comments to the replies, not in a note. CURRENTLY_RATED_NOT_HELPFUL(4-1-19) Author
2024-04-25 22:52:49
(Response to NNN) Note needed, the post states that you should not use your devices while charging, attaching a picture of the EM measures as the only explanation. This establishes an obvious link, hinting towards them being the reason. Important to note they are not harmful. [Link] NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(9-0-8) Author