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2024-04-25 20:08:44
''Seven'' did not reach 100M streams in 7 days, as it reached 100M on its 8th day. ''[Seven] become the fastest song to reach 100 million streams on Spotify (male), registering 100 million streams on Spotify the eighth day after its worldwide release'' [Link]
2024-04-25 20:45:46
NNN The information in the post is correct, Jungkook's "Seven" broke the record under 6 days with Spotify counter streams (unfiltered), commonly used for spotify records. The other artist stans are using a different methodology to give her the record instead (filtered) [Link]
2024-04-25 21:06:47
For NNN, @ChartData (a Twitter chart account, not an official source) counts the unfiltered streams. On the other hand, Guinness World Records they take their informations, datas, and records from Spotify directly so Spotify considers filtered streams as the official record. [Link]
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