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2024-04-30 19:13:46
In English, the word intifada is often translated as a "rebellion" or "uprising," but the original meaning in Arabic is closer to "shaking off" or "getting rid of" someone or something. [Link]
2024-04-30 19:14:58
Widespread Palestinian violence erupted in Jerusalem, West Bank and Gaza Strip. violence turned to deadly terrorism targeting Israeli civilians on buses, restaurants and streets. Over 1,000 Israelis were killed, and thousands severely injured in these attacks. [Link]
2024-04-30 21:02:15
NNN - Author is asking a question. Use comments to answer, not CN. There is nothing misleading or out of context with a question, which seems to be forgotten with the current state of speech on social media. NNN
2024-04-30 21:26:15
Piers is maliciously or mistakenly implying that Intifada specifically relates to violence against Jewish people. "An intifada is a rebellion, or uprising, or a resistance movement. It is a key concept in contemporary Arabic usage referring to an uprising against oppression." [Link]
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