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Tweet related community notes

2024-05-04 00:05:18
Garry is not talking about India here.He has recently claimed having no expertise in Indian politics. [Link] This is an attempt to make a comeback from recent fiasco where Garry joked about opposition leader Rahul Gandhi. [Link]
2024-05-04 01:48:47
In Kashmir muslims have ethnically cleansed hindus where they are in majority. [Link]
2024-05-04 01:59:43
The post is misleading, and he is changing the narrative what wasn't said by the garry. Garry is not talking about India here and also He has recently claimed having no expertise in Indian politics. [Link]
2024-05-04 02:17:42
Garry has said that he has NO Information/clue on Indian politics, here admin is showing Garry 2016 tweet and connecting it to India. Link [Link]
2024-05-04 02:22:54
Above tweet made by Zoo_bear to show his loyalty towards Congress. Garry is not talking about India here. He has recently claimed having no expertise in Indian politics: [Link] Garry joked about opposition leader Rahul Gandhi: [Link]
2024-05-04 03:00:54
The zoo_bear post is drawing a false connection with Indian politics. Kasparov is not talking about India here. He has recently claimed having no expertise in Indian politics: [Link] Kasparov joked about opposition leader Rahul Gandhi: [Link]
2024-05-04 03:23:34
NNN. The quote by Mr. Kasparov is from 2016. Mr. Zubair is saying that these words apply to his country as well. He has not claimed that Mr. Kasparov is talking about his country. As such, this is a personal opinion. Personal opinions are allowed to be biased / one-sided.
2024-05-04 03:32:02
Note not needed. The OP is merely expressing an opinion on a generic statement made by Kasparov which resonates with his own thinking. CN should be used to verify authenticity, not become a troll handle to refute an opinion, which the other CN members seem to be doing. [Link]
2024-05-04 04:26:15
The quoted post has nothing to do with India and has been clarified the the author of the post himself - it was a comment on US politics but @zoo_bear is trying to misrepresent it as a comment on India [Link]
2024-05-04 06:57:42
NNN. This post is in no way implying that the post made by Gary Kasparov was referring to Indian politics. It merely points out that Gary's exact thought has been put into action by BJP which is a valid POV.
2024-05-04 13:33:37
The author tries to build up on a narrative based on an old tweet of a famous chess GM. The original tweet has been confirmed to be in the context of US elections mentioning Trump. Kasparov giving context to his old tweet: [Link]
Evaluate Notes