2024-05-04 01:59:48
The video in question has been speculated to exist for years, and was referenced in a congressional testimony of Google’s CEO. [Link] Despite the length of time between purportedly appearing on the dark web and now—over 5 years—it has not surfaced. NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(79-8-22) Author
2024-05-04 06:36:08
The "Frazzledrip" film is a conspiracy theory that first arose around 2018. There is no evidence that this video exists. [Link][Link][Link] The article shown in this image is from YourNewsWire, a known false news platform. [Link][Link][Link] CURRENTLY_RATED_HELPFUL(73-4-34) Author
2024-05-04 13:11:45
This is a long standing smear campaign to attempt to discredit Hilary Clinton. No evidence that such a video exists has ever arisen. [Link][Link] NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(10-4-8) Author
2024-05-04 15:33:51
All those links are cute, unless you have seen the video. CURRENTLY_RATED_NOT_HELPFUL(1-0-5) Author
2024-05-08 05:30:08
Proof of altered photo examples. [Link] NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(0-0-1) Author