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2024-05-04 18:33:09
The video neglects to mention that at the point of sale PSN was optional and that it will also lockout players from dozen of countries from being able to play a game they own, due to PSN region ineligibility + PSN TOS section 3.1. millions of players are left barred. [Link]
2024-05-04 20:24:39
It was never optional since the Steam page mention a PSN account was required before the release, as you can see here [Link] it was also told on the trailer, and again adressed on Steam support of the game they told that the fact that you can skip the linking account was temporary [Link]
2024-05-04 23:01:01
NNN a PSN account was always required, it was just temporarly disabled
2024-05-04 23:34:30
Nnn since the beginning Arrowhead stated that when the servers problems where fixed, you would need a PS account. Besides, Devs already confirmed that if PSN is not available in your region you would still be able to play the game without the account [Link]
2024-05-05 00:21:29
PSN account requirement for Helldivers2 on steam was added on DEC 1st 2023 which can be seen here: [Link] ergo it was ALWAYS required to have the PSN but due to POST LAUNCH technical problems it was temporary lifted.
2024-05-05 08:34:56
In the video, it's demonstrated that you can't play the games mentioned without first creating an account, which is unlike Helldivers 2, which had a legitimate skip button for this process. This means players who have already paid no longer have a choice in the matter. [Link]
Evaluate Notes