Community Notes Viewer

Tweet related community notes

2024-05-04 19:08:04
As per Tesla's own website "In cold temperatures or on snow or ice, summer and all-season tires do not provide adequate traction." [Link]
2024-05-04 19:24:30
The ad or post was featuring rear-wheel drive issues and tires are a separate issue. Also, a lot of community notes are often better in comments section for inclusion in the conversation 🙂
2024-05-05 00:19:04
In many jurisdictions, it is not allowed to use all-season tires in winter or when there are snowy or icy conditions. Instead, it is required (e.g. in Germany, Austria etc) to use dedicated winter tires, or even snow chains, if the street conditions require it. [Link] [Link] [Link]
2024-05-05 07:00:00
Tesla est une bonne voiture Elle se vend de ➕ en ➕ et le kilomĂ©trage sera de plus en plus allongĂ© par de nouvelles amĂ©liorations En France les pneus neiges sont obligatoires l'hiver en montagne. La traction de Tesla est pas au top dans ces cas comme d'autres vĂ©hicules de ce type
2024-05-05 08:07:55
Regarding the Germany/Austria all-season comment. You‘re wrong. New All Season tires do have the alpine symbol and for the others there is an intermediate regulation: [Link] @elon: Please add the possibility to reference comm notes directly. Having to do it this way makes no sense.
2024-05-06 20:02:53
The participants please shall not misuse the community notes as a comment or chat section. Please use the comments.
2024-05-13 19:43:58
NNN. CN is for providing context if needed, not conjecture. In this case it is not needed, since he can be taken as a factual source from within the company. If you disagree with the post, talk about it in the comment section and not in a Note
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