2024-05-07 18:13:31
Herbalife says their stuff is totally safe for healthy adults if you take it like they say. But, there are some studies that say it can cause some not-so-fun side effects like liver damage, jaundice, nausea, fatigue, pale stools, stomach pains, and even hepatitis.[Link] NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(20-7-19) Author
2024-05-08 01:15:47
Herbalife is a Multi-Level Marketing scheme, that misled investors: [Link] Caught bribing Chinese officials: [Link] While she was AG, Kamala Harris disregarded her staff’s pleas to investigate, as her husband’s firm represented Herbalife: [Link] It has serious, negative health effects: [Link] CURRENTLY_RATED_HELPFUL(51-3-21) Author
2024-05-08 06:56:46
NNN - take your arguments to the comments section; - Despite the tweet being an ad, there is nothing there that says that everyone should use the product, or that it is for everyone + the case studies mentioned here shows potential misuse by the consumer NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(6-0-2) Author