Community Notes Viewer

Tweet related community notes

2024-05-07 21:10:47
NNN, please provide a real source.
2024-05-07 21:56:16
This is an digitally altered photo as seen as the op of scr said "seems to me if people are making fake screenshots of your tweets to discredit you" Insane is an transphobic that created or not these altered photos to make Aslan make it him seem bad Credit *NOT SOURCE* [Link]
2024-05-08 10:46:31
This is a digitally altered image, when putting it into an ai detector, it clearly tells us this is not real. I’ve done it, and so has the poster that I’ve linked. Furthermore, when X posts have no interaction, it doesn’t show the “0” next to the interaction icons. [Link]
2024-05-08 13:45:57
Look at other community notes for other actual information, the one that says note is not needed, TF DO YOU MEAN BY PROVIDE REAL SOURCE??? HOW ARE YOU SUPPOSED TO PROVE THAT SOMEONE NEVER TWEETED A CERTAIN TWEET? [Link]
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