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Tweet related community notes

2024-05-09 03:11:16
To clarify, this change is due to fact that Twitter is heightening their prices for their API. Sony is also making this change due to fact as well. [Link]
2024-05-09 03:24:16
NNN - Nintendo has explained it throughly on their own website, there is no context missing or needed to be added, as the reason why they would stop supporting Twitter’s API could be whatever they wanted it to be.
2024-05-09 03:32:07
NNN. Even though it's true that this is likely caused by X's rise of API usage fees, the post is merely an official announcement of the X sharing feature's discontinuation and it doesn't mention any reasons. Even if it's very likely, there's no way to know if it's the only reason
2024-05-09 03:55:53
Lol, of course an Elon's bootlicker would try a note to defend his pimp. Grow up, Colored Freshwater Seagull.
2024-05-09 08:13:26
You can still get images and videos from the Switch through the older WiFi hotspot method, or the newer USB method by connecting the switch directly to a PC. You can then share to X/Twitter. [Link]
2024-05-09 08:43:10
NNN - The article linked within the post is from Nintendo themselves, it details the reasoning behind the decision, this post itself is a business announcement and is neither misleading or requires additional context that is not provided via the article itself.
Evaluate Notes