2024-05-09 23:11:25
There is no evidence of any benefits of Methylene Blue as claimed by the poster. In fact, it can be quite dangerous as there are many known severe reactions with other medications. Posts such as these are mislead and can even be dangerous or deadly [Link][Link][Link][Link] CURRENTLY_RATED_HELPFUL(8-0-2) Author
2024-05-10 10:57:21
Comparing Methylene Blue to 'crack' is certainly dangerously misleading in many ways. It has not been shown to have any health promoting effects. 'Crack' is highly addictive and extremely harmful to someone's health. [Link] CURRENTLY_RATED_NOT_HELPFUL(0-0-1) Author
2024-10-14 18:38:56
NNN- while caution is in order, especially with serotonin related drugs or supplements, it is flatly untrue that there is no scientific research supporting benefits of MB. Scientific research specifically indicates benefits in the main areas described by OP. [Link] NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(1-0-0) Author