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2024-05-10 04:16:55
The information that the Brazilian government is not supporting Rio Grande do Sul is false. The government has created an extensive list with various initiatives to assist the state and has allocated over R$50 billion for the restructuring of the state of Rio Grande do Sul. [Link] [Link]
2024-05-10 12:27:32
The federal government is helping with the floods in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, the influencer's information is false: [Link]
2024-05-10 15:21:55
Brazilian president Lula announced that the federal government will spend 10 billion dollars in rebuilding efforts in Rio Grande do Sul, plus 3.6 billion dollars in disaster prevention projects nationwide [Link] [Link]
2024-05-10 21:37:03
NNN - Stop abusing CN! The regime is not helping in the right way. In fact, thousands of civilians and people themselves are helping each other. The gov is imposing censorship and intimidating anyone who dares to question or report problems occurring gov agencies!!! [Link]
2024-05-11 22:16:30
O governo oferceu 50 bilhões em empréstimos e adiantamento de dinheiro que já pertence a população. Ajuda foi apenas 1Bilhão Janja e Lula gastam isso em uma viagem. Parem de defender o idenfensável e coloquem a cara de vocês nos comentários para receberem as merecidas repostas. [Link]
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