2024-05-12 03:22:47
Aurora borealis aren't typically visible at these locations but were visible on 10th May 2024 due to the exceptionally large geomagnetic storm. [Link] NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(1-0-3) Author
2024-05-12 03:48:54
These locations usually don’t have a high KP index. While the Aurora may be possible to see in some of the locations in this thread, it is incredibly uncommon for some. Most of them are being listed as good viewing sites due to the solar activity on May 10, 2024. [Link][Link] NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(15-0-7) Author
2024-05-12 07:01:11
Gostaria de saber porque notas que classifiquei como não úteis aparecem como úteis! NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(0-0-1) Author