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2024-05-13 19:27:50
Trudeau video: [Link] Capital Gains Profit (CGP) up to 250k will attract Capital Gains Tax (CGT) on 50% of it CGP over 250k will attract tax on 66% of it Example: *Up to 250k CGP attracts CGT on 50% of it at 26.8% tax rate *CGP over 250k attracts CGT on 66% of it at 26.8% tax rate
2024-05-14 04:37:26
The post claims that Gains over 250K would attract CGT at 66%. That is false. Gains over 250K would attract a tax of 26.8% on 2/3 of the total - an actual tax rate closer to 18%. The claimed 66% is wrong and probably deliberately misleading. [Link]
2024-05-14 05:24:55
‪It’s not 66% tax but rather, after 250k 66% of gains are taxed at ~27%‬ ‪Effectively it’s an 18% tax‬ ‪[Link]
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