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2024-05-16 11:07:40
During the Sengoku period, Samurai were not required to have a fief in order to be considered Samurai. 'Samurai' was a job title. Historic records IMPLY he was fulfilling duties of a Samurai making him de-facto a Samurai. [Link] He was given a 'stipend' - [Link] He fought - [Link]
2024-05-16 16:22:12
The only information about Yasuke is from 3rd party observations. Samurai is a class of warriors that you have to be invited into. It is unclear if he was made a samurai by Nobunaga but it is very clear that his enemies did not consider him one. Speculation is not fact. [Link]
2024-05-17 15:21:57
Wikipedia is not a credible source and never has been. [Link]
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